Date of birth: January 04, 1996 (age 24)
Born: Tokyo, Japan
School of origin: Dokkyo University graduate
Job: Company employee
Languages: Japanese, English
2020 ミス・ユニバース日本代表
2020 ミス・ユニバース日本代表
Aisha Harumi Tochigi / 杤木愛シャ暖望
Aisha Harumi Tochigi
She was born in Japan to a Ghanaian father and a Japanese mother.
She spent 10 to 17 years old in Ghana.
Through the living in Japan and Ghana, She learned the wonder of understanding diversity, surrounded by families and people of diverse cultures.
She witnessed repeated discrimination against family, friends, and the world, and wanted to realize an equal society that accepts and understands diversity.
To that end, She applied for 2019 Miss Universe Japan and achieved the top 5 results.
She wanted to convey message and experience to as many people as possible, so she tried again in 2020 Miss Universe Japan and won the 2020 Miss Universe Japan National crown.
From now on, She will use the platform, Miss Universe Japan to convey to more people the importance of not judging by appearance and accepting diversity. And she aim to become the 2020 Miss Universe World Representative.
Question: How will you tell people in the future about the events that happened in 2020?
Answer:I like to spread that nobody should be judged by their color or where they come frombecause this year there was so much discrimination. It’s not only about racism but therewas discrimination towards Asians when COVID-19 started. So, I will like to tell people thatwe should not judge people by their appearance but to understand them, understand eachother is the key to end the discrimination. I will like to spread that. Thank you.
訳:私は、色や出身地で誰も判断されるべきではないことを伝えたいと思います。なぜなら、今年はとても多くの差別があったからです。 それは人種差別だけでなく、COVID-19が始まったときアジア人に対する差別がありました。 ですから、見た目や表面的なことで人を判断するのではなく、相手を理解し、理解し合うことが差別をなくす鍵だと伝えたいと思います。そして私はそれを広めたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
Question: How will you tell people in the future about the events that happened in 2020?
Answer:I like to spread that nobody should be judged by their color or where they come frombecause this year there was so much discrimination. It’s not only about racism but therewas discrimination towards Asians when COVID-19 started. So, I will like to tell people thatwe should not judge people by their appearance but to understand them, understand eachother is the key to end the discrimination. I will like to spread that. Thank you.
訳:私は、色や出身地で誰も判断されるべきではないことを伝えたいと思います。なぜなら、今年はとても多くの差別があったからです。 それは人種差別だけでなく、COVID-19が始まったときアジア人に対する差別がありました。 ですから、見た目や表面的なことで人を判断するのではなく、相手を理解し、理解し合うことが差別をなくす鍵だと伝えたいと思います。そして私はそれを広めたいと思います。ありがとうございました。